Christoph Bussler



| AI and Databases | Books |

AI and Databases

Vector Databases

"Vector Databases (are All The Rage)" ( is a blog post that I maintain continously collecting new and existing databases implementing similarity search.

It is noteworthy that in principle there are two classes of vector databases: vector database systems that are special engineered for vector similarity search (like for example Milvus or Zilliz) and existing database systems that add vector similarity search to an existing implementation (like for example PostgreSQL or Oracle).

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

An AI architecture called RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) ( uses vector databases as its fundamental storage technology for vectors derived from any type of media by means of an AI model that for a given object generates a vector.



"Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies", Nick Bostrom, Oxford University Press, 2014 (,_Dangers,_Strategies)

"AI: Unexplainable, Unpredictable, Uncontrollable", Roman V. Yampolskiy, Chapman & Hall/CRC Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Series, 2024 (

© Christoph Bussler